September 25, 2013

MSP430 Controlling an SI570...

So from the previous post, I have a simple I2C library that I can use to try on things other than the 24XX EEPROM. And from this post I have a simple little breakout for the SI570. So I decided to put peanut butter in my chocolate (or is it my chocolate in my peanut butter) and see if I can control the SI570 with the I2C library.

Using a control word found in sample code from here to set the si570 to 14.200MHz, I ripped up some code real quick to do it and was astonished and pumped when I saw the frequency meter on my DMM jump to 14.20 MHz upon reflashing my launchpad.

Here is the code that worked when I compiled it:
#include <msp430.h>
#include "serial.h"
#include "i2c.h"

void msprintf(char *format, ...);

void main(void)
    char c;
    char dev_address = 0xAA;
    int i;

    // Disable watchdog 

    // Use 1 MHz DCO factory calibration
    DCOCTL = 0;
    // Setup the serial port
    // Serial out: P1.1 (BIT1)
    // Serial in:  P1.2 (BIT2)
    // Bit rate:   9600 (CPU freq / bit rate)  
    serial_setup (BIT1, BIT2, 1000000 / 9600);
    msprintf("serial is working...\r\n");
    char err;

    char i2cWriteBuf[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    int j;

    // Hard reset of frequency to 14.2 MHz
    i2cWriteBuf[0]=0xA9 ; 
    i2cWriteBuf[2]=0xA8 ; 
    i2cWriteBuf[3]=0x7C ; 
    i2cWriteBuf[4]=0x5D ; 
    kpprintf("14.2 MHz\r\n");

    msprintf("init i2c...\r\n");

    //Freeze DCO
    msprintf("Freeze DCO...\r\n");
    u8 buf;
    buf = 0b00010000;
    i2c_tx(1, dev_address, &buf, 0, 137); 

    msprintf("Write buffer...\r\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 6 ; ++i) 
      i2c_tx(1, dev_address, i2cWriteBuf, 0, i+8); 
    //Unfreeze DCO  
    msprintf("Unfreeze DCO...\r\n");
    buf = 0;
    i2c_tx(1, dev_address, &buf, 0, 137); 
    msprintf("Read input from serial...\r\n");
    for (;;) {                  // Do forever
      c = serial_getc ();     // Get a char
      serial_putc (c);        // Echo it back

So this was strictly a prototype to see if I could at least get the SI570 controlled with a brute force large frequency jump. Next step is to actually create a little library that I can use to control the si570. I found a great integer based source code example that allowed doing the 38-bit math required in some of the calculations here. Adapting it to pass in a structure (so multiple si570s could be controlled), I hope to get this wrapped up pretty soon.

September 15, 2013

Launchpad, I2C, EEPROM = WINNING!

I've got tiger blood. Or something. Who else uses bad internet memes years after they're even remotely funny?

So this post is to document the travails I encountered in trying to get I2C working with the MSP430 Launchpad and a simple EEPROM memory chip, wired up my brutally hacked version of the dangerousprototype's 3EEPROM board.

Let's cover the background; I have a TI MSP430 Launchpad that I want to eventually be the controller for my SI570 break-out board, shown here [1]. My first thought was to use Energia, as it has the nice Wire library for I2C interactions, as well as a serial writing functionality for debugging. I naively tried adapting some code snippets I found on the googletubes to see if I could get the frequency to change, but to no avail.

The next step, then, was to simplify. Let's make sure that my I2C stuff was actually doing what I thought it was doing. So when I put on an I2C sniffer, it showed nada, zip, zilch, nuthin, zero. Well crap, apparently I don't know how to use the Wire library.

To test whether or not I could do I2C, I decided to try and do something ridiculously easy, and stumbled upon the 3EEPROM board of [2], complete with command sets to test it out. I procured the 25xx and 24xx SPI and I2C PROM chips and built a simple little protoboard circuit for testing purposes. Useless and requisite photo here:

All I wanted to do was write a couple of bytes to the 24xx chip and read 'em back. So began the long and painful journey....along the way I found a nice useful serial debug library (based upon work by oPossum of 43oh) [3], and got the workings of a simple skeleton makefile/project to work.

While the 0101E0009 release of Energia didn't seem to work for me, the latest release, 0101E0010 did the trick. But I wanted to see it work outside of Energia, as I really don't like the IDE provided with it. I may eventually try to get an external makefile to work (like this here [4]), but for now I'll continue with what I have working here. I eventually found an I2C library that worked for me (located here in the 43Oh forums by member V0JT4 [5]). I needed to add a simple little function that must have been an intrinsic with the compiler he was using, the _swap_bytes function.

As can be seen from the wiring picture below, I'm using the Gabotronics Xprotolab [6] as a protocol sniffer, powered from the 5V tap near the USB connection of the Launchpad. The 24XX chip has an I2C address of  0x50 hex, and examing the blurry picture you can see the bytes of the phrase HELLO WORLD being sent back and forth from it. Use to help with the translation of hex into ASCII values if you're really bored.

Anyway, I put the code up on github [7]; almost none of it is original code from me. Thanks to the awesome forum at 43oh for basically doing all of the heavy lifting for me!

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -

August 31, 2013

si570 breakout fun

In researching SDRs, I discovered that a very popular chip that is used to provide accurate variable frequencies is the Silicon Labs' si570 XO chip. This little dandy has a low additional parts requirement, and is controlled via I2C. I managed to get a hold of a sample and I intended to try and mount it on a breakout board (in fact, this breakout board). Unfortunately, I was unable to get the SDA and SCL pins to solder correctly for me to the point that I could control it. I would power it up, and there is the factory-set frequency being generated on the CLK+ pin like you would expect. I would then hook up a Bus Pirate and try and interrogate for I2C devices, and nothing is discovered.

So I scotched that breakout board, flipped the chip over, and attached it using right-angle 1mm pin connectors to some protoboard. After powering it up with the Bus Pirate, I was able use it and detect the default I2C addressess for the si570. I'm now at a place where I can now play around with this guy with the MSP430 and LPC810 chips.

Here is the initial take, prior to adding pull-up resistors for SCL and SDA.

And the after-pic:

I'm thinking of using this chip in a comparable way to the Tenna Dipper, allowing me to figure out the resonant frequency for antennas for a wide range of bands (I'm guessing  anything from around 7 MHz to 300 MHz with this particular version of the si570; higher frequencies with different variants).

Additionally I would like to maybe use it as the oscillator with some simple filters to create some simple transmitters.

I also would like to maybe explore building my own Tayloe detector/mixer.

Too many things to do, too little time!

August 10, 2013

LPC810 ARM Processor board

So apparently I'm very distracted by shiny things. I received a little while back the LPC810 starter kit from Adafruit [1]. And while I was working through their little tutorial [2] on setting up build chains and gettting the Hello World blinky to work, I was really just annoyed with the breadboarding of it, so I decided to make it a bit more permanent. I ended up putting it all on some protoboard with breakout headers, an ISP header row for the serial cable, an ISP jumper for programming, the 3.3V power regulator and caps provided by Adafruit, and a simple power LED indicator. It works like a champ, although I am thinking I might add a pinout for ground and the +3.3 pins so I can swing power out.

Here's its obligatory picture

Update: I went ahead and added the proposed headers, as well as a simple little jumper to allow the running of the Hello World Blinky delivered with the microBuilder LPC810 codebase [3]. Here is the new obligatory picture!

Update: I can't stop myself; I ended up adding a button tied to reset so I wouldn't have to keep pulling the programming headers to cut power each time I wanted to reprogram it. Final iteration:

I also downloaded the generic launchpad ARM binaries so that I could build things without using the LXPresso IDE [4]. I also found some small little sample projects that had no reliance on any external LXP libraries [5]. Just tweaking the included makefile, I was able to compile their little blinky programs and load them using FlashMagic (I need to spend a little time and set up automatic commandline flashing as well) [6].

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -

I am the very model of a modern major general...ham

Summer has been busy with vacations and work, so I've not been able to really play around much. However, I did recently upgrade my amateur license from Technician to General, which opens up a much wider range of frequencies to play around with. To celebrate that, I have gotten a couple of toys with which to play around. These include the very impressive FUNCube Dongle Pro + [1] and since I have new privileges, the Ultimate QRSS 2 multiband QRSS/WSPR transmitter [2]. We'll see if I can actually get out of my house with that; my location apparently is a black hole for all forms of reception/coverage. While I have several plug-in band filters for the U2, I've only assembled the ones for 20m and 30m, and up till now, I'm not seeing anything coming out, so I have some debugging to do....

Obligatory picture of the assembled U2

[1] -
[2] -

June 13, 2013

Continuous Integration Server in a box

So at work, we needed a simple continuous integration server for testing purposes. The lab I work in is closed off from internet access and I don't have admin privileges, so I needed a solution that would work with no help from IT. Using git as my configuration management tool, here is what I ended up using, rather nicely as it turns out.

The product is an open-sourced tool written in node.js called Concrete [1]. The setup is basically this:

On a machine with internet access,

1. Download and drop on the computer node.exe [2]. As an example, use c:\Users\keith\tmp\node

2. Download and expand npm archive [3] in the same directory as where node.exe resides.

3. Open a command prompt and go to the node.exe directory Run npm install concrete
  C:\Users\keith\tmp\node\npm install concrete

4. (Optional) Install node's IRC moduleThe node IRC module will be used to modify Concrete to add IRC notification and demonstrate how easy it is to hack this simple tool.
  C:\Users\keith\tmp\node\npm install irc

5. Get unxutils [4] or gow [5] or some form of curl.exe. Curl is used via git-hooks to signal the continuous integration server that a change has been pushed up to the repository.

6. Zip up the node/npm/npm_modules stuff

7. Download mongodb [6]

8. (Optional) Get bewareircd [7] and irrsi [8], an IRC server and client.

9. Transfer the node stuff and mongodb archives as well as curl and the optional downloads to a machine on the target network.

Now on your desired test machine.

1. Unzip the node stuff. I will use C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\node as an example
2. Unzip mongodb. Again, I will use C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box as an example

3. Open a command prompt and change paths to the mongo directory. Start mongo, making sure that the invocation states where the database will reside. The default is C:\data\db, but I prefer to keep everything self-contained. So I make a directory inside the concrete_in_a_box directory called mongo_data.

  C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\mongo\mongod.exe --dbpath ..\mongo_data

4. Open another command prompt. Clone the git repository of interest. For this simple case, let's assume that there is repository of interest in C:\repos\my_project and we clone it in the concrete_in_a_box directory
  C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box> git clone c:\repos\my_project 

5. Add a concrete job runner. As an example, assume that there is a build script batch file named build.bat as part of the project
  C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\my_project> git config --add concrete.runner="build.bat"
build.bat might be something as simple as invoking msbuild to build a Visual Studio solution. As an example,
@REM build.bat
@echo off
@REM make sure that msbuild is available (assuming VS2012)
@if "%VSINSTALLDIR%"=="" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars.bat"
msbuild my_project.sln /p:Configuration=Debug;VisualStudioVersion=11.0
@exit \b %ERRORLEVEL%

6. Use hooks to signal to Concrete that changes have occurred. In this particular example, we modify the .git/hooks/post-receive hook of the repository we cloned for Concrete to invoke curl to post just blank data to the IP and port that Concrete will be running on.
  C:\repos\my_project\.git\hooks> <edit post-receive>

# An example hook script for the "post-receive" event.
# The "post-receive" script is run after receive-pack has accepted a pack
# and the repository has been updated.  It is passed arguments in through
# stdin in the form
#  <oldrev> <newrev> <refname>
# For example:
#  aa453216d1b3e49e7f6f98441fa56946ddcd6a20 68f7abf4e6f922807889f52bc043ecd31b79f814 refs/heads/master
curl localhost:4567 -d Build

7. Open another command prompt. Add to the execution path the node.exe directory and the node_modules\.bin directory
  C:\> set path=%PATH%;C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\node;C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\node\node_modules\.bin
and then execute concrete
  C:\tools\concrete_in_a_box\my_project> concrete .

8. Open your web browser and observe Concrete sugary goodness at http://localhost:4567.
Now, anytime that a change is commited and pushed to the repository at c:\repos\my_project, it triggers the post-receive hook which issues a POST command to the Concrete webserver, which invokes the runner. In this particular case, it pulls down the latest from its git origin (c:\repos\my_project) and then runs build.bat.

9. If you have not created a build-worked or build-failed hook file in your .git\hooks directory, it will bark at you saying it cannot find it. I simply created little bat files that echo whether the build succeeded or failed. One thing I did was I modified the Concrete git.js library file and explicitly called the files it was looking for to be build-worked.bat and build-failed.bat.
diff git.js original_git.js
<       git.failure = path.normalize(target + '/.git/hooks/build-failed.bat');
<       git.success = path.normalize(target + '/.git/hooks/build-worked.bat');
>       git.failure = path.normalize(target + '/.git/hooks/build-failed');
>       git.success = path.normalize(target + '/.git/hooks/build-worked'); 

Optional fun!
So we also included some IRC stuff; the lab we have does not have an email server set up and I wanted to have instantaneous feedback on when a build occurred and what the outcome was. I figured it would be very simple to plumb in a little IRC bot, and using some example code from here [9], I was able to get one up and  running in about 15 minutes, including the setting up of the IRC server and client. The only modification I did was to runner.js

diff runner.js original_runner.js
<   // Create the configuration
<   var ircConfig = {
<       channels: ["#concrete" ],
<       server: "",
<       botName: "concretebot"
<   };
<   // Get the lib
<   var irc = require("irc");
<   // Create the bot name
<   var ircBot = new irc.Client(ircConfig.server, ircConfig.botName, {
<       channels: ircConfig.channels
<   });
<                 ircBot.say(channel, "Build failed!");
<                 ircBot.say(channel, "Build succeeded!"); 

Unzip the bewareircd archive and modify ircd.conf so that the server name matches the server name in runner.js (e.g., Start 'er up.

Unzip the irrsi archive and launch irrsi. Add the server (in this case localhost), connect to it and join the #concrete channel. You'll see that there is a concretebot in the room; everytime that runner is invoked and reaches either success or failure, the concretebot will say the room that particular run status. This can easily be expanded to spit out a ton of other information such as which build and committer started the runner. Handy enough if you don't have time to hit refresh on a web browser.


June 5, 2013

Homebrew Version of Steve Webber's 'Tenna Dipper

Since I still had the wild hair for soldering, I rummaged through my junk box and realized I had most of what I needed to build a very simplistic antenna frequency dipper, to be used as a poor man's antenna analyzer. The design is a Steve Webber original [1], and has been kitted by several groups before. The circuit seemed simple enough that I could try and build it up on some perfboard. I ordered a couple of chips I didn't have from Tayda Electronics [2], and going off of this schematic[3], went nuts. I think I have it wired up correctly, I'm getting proper ring-outs on Vcc points and ground, and the output to the antenna/atu BNC is a nice 50 ohms. As I don't have an antenna that I know its resonant frequency, I'm at a bit of a loss to actually test it. Oh well...its day will come. Here it is in all its glory: my homebrew version of the 'Tenna Dipper.

May 23, 2013

Tayloe SWR indicator

I felt the urge to do some soldering, so I went looking for a simple project. I thought that having an SWR indicator would be nice to have, as I have all the requisite components on hand (including some high power/high precision resistors).  What this little contraption does is basically give a visual indicator (no-lit or minimally lit LED) when the SWR is as closely matched to 1:1 as possible. The idea is hopefully pair this with a magnetic loop antenna and that way I won't have to bother with an antenna tuner. For more information on the Tayloe SWR indicator, please check out [1].

Here is my uber-high quality work:

It rang out correctly, with open circuits on the transceiver side and antenna side with the circuit removed, and 75 ohms and 50 ohms when the SWR circuit is inline.


[1] -

May 11, 2013

Blank GoodFET board

I just received Travis Goodspeed's GoodFET board [1] in the mail this week. I have ordered the requisite parts to populate it, have practiced some drag soldering for the SMT parts, and hopefully later on this week I can assemble it. Let's see how bad I butcher it...

Pretty bad, as it turns out. I was sloppy with my solder braid and accidentally lifted several pads on the FTDI chip. However, I did place the MSP430 chip nicely in place. So a quasi-expensive lesson, but one that I definitely learned from. I feel pretty confident that I can handle TSSOP scaled SMT work now, even if it may not be pretty.

[1] -

April 24, 2013

Fun with an MSP430 Launchpad and a Digilent Nexys3 FPGA demo board

At my office we had an internal class for studying VHDL, using Digilent Nexys3 as our experimentation board  [1]. As an end of class project, my partner and I opted to try and create a simple digital theremin.

The plan was to take an input from an IR sensor (like the Sharp IR proximity sensor [2]) and feed it through an ADC to generate a digital word. This word could then be manipulated to generate a frequency tuning word used for direct digital synthesis [3]. This would generate an output digital word corresponding to a variable frequency sine wave, which was then fed through a DAC and feed into a speaker for output.

The Nexys3 has a Xilinx chip, and we used the ISE Webpack development tools, which gave us the option of using Xilinx's DDS IP core. However, as part of our learning experience, we opted to use an open source core and incorporate that into our design. Martin Kumm developed a handy DDS core that we found on [4], and this was the starting point for our project. Martin kindly provided a working test bench that we could simulate and understand the outputs of the core. Since we were only generating a sinewave to drive a speaker, we weren't interested in modifying input phase or capturing output phase.

As the Nexys3 board provided some useful peripherals, we adapted our original design to implement useful features, including an ability to set a specific frequency based upon the bank of switches, as well as displaying the generated frequency on the seven segment display.  As for limitations, since we were interested in simple testing, we fixed our output to be capped at 20kHz.

As seen in the following picture, we used the PMOD adaptors directly as pin inputs, with the JA bank used for the DDS output and the JB bank used for the digital word input. Originally we were going to use an ADC PMOD, but since it used an I2C interface we opted to go for a simpler direct GPIO approach. We used the seven rightmost switches to act as a seven-bit digital word, with each bit representing 190 Hz to give us our spread in spectrum. The final switch acted as a relay, using either the switch bank or the seven LSB pins of JB as the source for generating the frequency tuning word.
The following block diagram, while not 100% exactly correct, provides a coarse overview of how top-level design was mapped out. The dds_synthesizer is the DDS core we found on The clkdiv is a simple clock divider to provide useful sub-interval clocks from the master 100 MHz clock.
Our DAC was a simple 8 bit R2R laddder [5] soldered on a protoboard, again for the simplicity of not trying to have to use an intermediate communication protocol like I2C or UART. As shown in the image below, you can actually observe the discrete steps of the ladder as each bit became active on word transitions.
The addhalf block shown in the top-level design shifted the output of the dds_synthesizer since we were expecting a unsigned output for a DAC functionality, and it pushed out a signed word. That was a particularly fun thing to figure out; our output basically was a chopped sinewave with the peak and base at median value (as shown below), with discrete jumps at the transition boundaries

Once we had the switch bank working and the output generating a tone, we moved to the ADC side. Ruling out the PMODAD* series from Digilent, we elected to use a simple microprocessor's ADC and push out the digital word on pins configured for GPIO. As this was a really quick hack, I grabbed an MSP430 Launchpad, used the Energia IDE and read an analog signal on one pin and pushed it out digitally on 7 pins. Its wiring diagram is shown below.
Lo and behold, it worked quite well; the audio was pretty weak on the reclaimed PC speaker I stuck in there, but it was very effective.
The source code for the FPGA and the microprocessor can be found here [6].

There were some other cool projects that were ginned up by the class, including an IR edge detector via the ADC PMOD thrown on top of a simple two wheel autonomous vehicle, a spoofing of the WWVB clock setting signal, the groundwork for a couple of different games including a simple tower defense game as well as a version of Simon, and some integration of accelerometers (for the makings of a simple IMU) among others.

[1] -,400,897&Prod=NEXYS3
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -,dds_synthesizer
[5] -
[6] -

April 20, 2013

Flashing the firmware on a Nokia Lumia 810

I recently received a new phone, but unfortunately it got into a bit of a soft bricked mode, where the phone would never progress past the Nokia boot up screen. Following the instructions found here on [1], with modifications reflecting the use of the 810 instead of the 920, I was happily using a newly flashed phone operating perfectly.

[1] -

February 1, 2013

Stellaris, Cygwin and OpenOCD for Debugging

So in my previous post, Chris laid down the challenge in the comments to set up debugging within Cygwin [1]. As I don't know anything about it, I figured I'm the perfect fool match to do this task. Chris kindly provided me  a link as a start [2], and from there I proceeded to let google be my friend to supplement that background. This ended up yielding a nice tutorial from Mauro Scomparin [3] via Hack-a-Day[4]. With some timely help from Spencer Oliver [5], OpenOCD developer-extraordinaire, I now have a means of debugging the board under program. So know you know the rabbit trail. So what are the basic steps to get debugging under cygwin?
  1. Make sure you have appropriate tools and libraries installed for Cygwin
  2. Get the latest code base of OpenOCD
  3. Get the windows version of libusb set up in cygwin
  4. Build the sucker
  5. Play gently with the sucker

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate tools.
Let the errors be your guide. I wish I could tell you specifically what packages you need, but at this point, what I've installed and what is actually necessary are not easily separated. One thing to note: please make sure the package tcl (under 'Interpretors') is *not* installed; openocd includes an embedded tcl engine called jimtcl, and for whatever reason, it really does not like the cygwin tcl package existing with its nasty DLLs and whatnot. If you're going to use the exact same commands as I have listed below, make sure to install the mingw-gcc development tools as well.

Step 2. Get the latest code base of OpenOCD
It is easiest to do this with git. From your cygwin prompt
$ git clone openocd

Step 3.  Get the windows version of libusb set up in cygwin
We need to get the libusbx library and headers[6] if we're going to cross-compile with the mingw cross-compiler in cygwin.  Add the header and lib files to the compilers. For 32-bit sugary-goodness, create /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/libusb-1.0/ and place libusb.h into it (note call it libusb-1.0 not libusbx-1.0. For 64-bit magic, create /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/libusb-1.0/ .

For the record, I used the static library and not the shared object/DLL version.

Step 4.  Build the sucker

Using Spen's original guidance, I decided to just cross-build it using the 64-bit mingw packages from cygwin.
$ cd openocd
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --build=i686-pc-cygwin --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --disable-werror --enable-stlink
$ make

If you wanted to build it with 32-bit mingw cross-compilers, then you would use instead
$ cd openocd
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --build=i686-pc-cygwin --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --disable-werror --enable-stlink
$ make

Trying to build it natively at this point under cygwin didn't work for me, but I was able to run with the mingw-built binaries, so that's good enough for government work and me.

A quick note here; the --enable-stlink flag, as Spen notes, builds for the ti-icdi as well, as they use the same driver backend.

5. Play gently with the sucker

Pretty easy up to this point. Like Mauro, we're not going to invoke make install, but rather I chose to dump the requisite executables and support files into a separate directory. In my case, that is /home/pimmel/work/stellaris/openocd. Basically copy the contents of the tcl directory and openocd.exe executable to where you want. Following Mauro's guide, we need a configuration file for OpenOCD.
Use the following text and save it as LM4F120XL.cfg in the openocd-bin folder  (again from Mauro):
# TI Stellaris Launchpad ek-lm4f120xl Evaluation Kits
# NOTE: using the bundled ICDI interface is optional!
# This interface is not ftdi based as previous board were
source [find interface/ti-icdi.cfg]
set CHIPNAME lm4f120h5qr
source [find target/stellaris_icdi.cfg]

Now we’re ready to launch it; connect the board to a USB port and just type in the command line:
./openocd.exe --file ./LM4F120XL.cfg

Next connect arm-none-eabi-gdb to OpenOCD and load the program! First start the debugger with something like this:
arm-none-eabi-gdb main.axf

This will open up gdb for arm-none-eabi with a target file called main.axf. Next, at the gdb prompt connect to the OpenOCD interface via the following commands:
target extended-remote :3333
monitor reset halt
monitor reset init

Now the target processor is halted at the beginning of the startup_handler() code of the LM4F_startup.c file. At this point, just use the standard gdb commands to set breakpoints and display variables. From Mauro's tutorial here are some examples:
b main.c:51
b Timer1A_ISR
display count
A tutorial on gdb is beyond the scope of this little write-up, but it is an intuitive and easy program to use. So now we have another tool in our box to help our development along.
So now we have a working open circuit debugging interface, which upon after launching, we can attach a working program and control it via gdb. Pretty time to dust off my gdb reference material. Much thanks to Spen and Mauro on doing all of the heavy lifting in getting this stuff put together.

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -

January 9, 2013

TI Stellaris Launchpad and Cygwin on Windows

With an exciting title like that, how can it not be enthralling?

Eschewing the use of TI's Code Composer Studio for commandline tools, I am exploring the best workflow on Windows in that vein. To whit, I have the following build environment. Since I am a commandline guy, I opted to use Cygwin[1]. This provides a litany of familiar tools; I made sure to install all of my favorites.While I haven't personally tried it, I would be willing to bet that MinGW/MSYS[2] would work equally well. As I am a complete neophyte to ARM microprocessors and the Stellaris Launchpad, I based almost all of my effort here on the shoulders of others, notably Christian Jann[3] and Recursive Labs Blog[4].

To get things started with the Stellaris, you need to have a compiler, of course. I use a precompiled toolchain provided on the launchpad site by some ARM folks [5]. After extracting it, I added the bin directory to my .bashrc for access to my new arm-no-eabi-* tools, like so:

export PATH=/cygdrive/c/bin/gcc_for_arm:$PATH

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out where I installed my toolchain :)

As an aside, I tried as well the summon-arm-toolchain[6] script. After letting it run for multiple hours (much longer than I experienced on a slower linux box), it seemed to build most tools but bombed on openocd. So my advice is save yourself the trouble and use the pre-compiled binaries.

With a toolchain in place, my next task is to build the TI-provided libraries and example source code, found in the StellarisWare download from TI's site[7]. Launching a cygwin window, I changed into the head directory of the StellarisWare install and issued a simple 'make' command, resulting in built libraries and example code.

With binaries available for flashing, the next step is to see if I can get the bugger uploaded via commandline. I had tried using TI's LMFlash tool[7], but for whatever reason, it was causing me issues. I decided to borrow  the flashing tool lm4flash used by the cool Energia[8] project, particularly lm4flash, found in the energia-*\hardware\tools\lm4f\bin directory. I placed it in the same directory that I installed by ARM toolchain so cygwin would be able to find it easily.

The chip used in the Stellaris Launchpad falls under the LM4F120x1 family. If you installed StellarisWare in its default directory (C:\StellarisWare), then the binaries of interest for the Launchpad can be found in C:\StellarisWare\boards\ek-lm4f120x1 or in cygwin's parlance /cygdrive/c/StellarisWare/boards/ek-lmf4120x1.

I decided to try and load the examples built in StellarisWare. First up was the blinky project. I loaded the blinky.bin file found in the gcc directory (i.e., /cygwin/c/StellarisWare/boards/ek-lm4f102x1/blinky/gcc with the following command

lm4flash -v blinky.bin

Lo and behold, we have blinking lights. Attempting to restore the demo program shipped loaded (found in qs-rgb), it was as simple as changing again into the bin directory of qs-rgq and issuing

lm4flash -v  qs-rgb.bin

Using the comm client PuTTY[9] to connect to the serial interface provided by the qs-rgb program, I was able to interact with it.

Next up is attempting to automate as much as possible for future project work, so I'm going to use a template program/makefile from Mauro Scomparin[10], and then work from within Vim for editing and build control. Note that because we are using Microsoft executables and not cygwin executables for the build tools, directories need to be in the form of MS file formats, e.g.,
#STELLARISWARE_PATH=/cygdrive/c/StellarisWare/ # No good for us!

While I don't have a particular need for it, I will need to figure out debugging.

That's all for now...

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