June 5, 2013

Homebrew Version of Steve Webber's 'Tenna Dipper

Since I still had the wild hair for soldering, I rummaged through my junk box and realized I had most of what I needed to build a very simplistic antenna frequency dipper, to be used as a poor man's antenna analyzer. The design is a Steve Webber original [1], and has been kitted by several groups before. The circuit seemed simple enough that I could try and build it up on some perfboard. I ordered a couple of chips I didn't have from Tayda Electronics [2], and going off of this schematic[3], went nuts. I think I have it wired up correctly, I'm getting proper ring-outs on Vcc points and ground, and the output to the antenna/atu BNC is a nice 50 ohms. As I don't have an antenna that I know its resonant frequency, I'm at a bit of a loss to actually test it. Oh well...its day will come. Here it is in all its glory: my homebrew version of the 'Tenna Dipper.

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